Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City Donated 2 Shoe Tracks for a Smart Class Room at Az Zuhara Vudayalaya, Kalmunai on 10/11/2023.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City conducted a tree planting program for International Teachers Day at Az Zuhara Vudayalaya, Kalmunai on 16/11/2023.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City celebrated International Teachers Day on 16/11/2023 at Az Zuhara Vudayalaya, Kalmunai.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City donated Glucometer and Strips to Base Hospital, Sammanthurai for testing 1000 diabetic patients for World Diabetes Day on 14/11/2023.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City donated Lions Image printed patients Document bags to the diabetic patients of Base Hospital, Sammanthurai for World Diabetes Day on 14/11/2023.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City conducted NCD Test Program for general public in collaboration with Base Hospital, Sammanthurai on 14/11/2023 World Diabetes Day.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City conducted a Diabetic Awareness Program for the general public in collaboration with Base Hospital, Sammanthurai on 14/11/2023, International Diabetes Day.
A Digital name board was made and Donated on the abdul cader School . Participated Zone Region & Lion members,teachers
Mixed Vegetables Seeds Donation Project Overview: Our project aimed to provide sustainable support to 100 families in the Iyernkerni area by donating 100 packets of mixed vegetable seeds. This initiat...
We provided Stationeries and school bags to 120 students at Abdul Cader school in Eravur. project chairman-Safras Main sponsor - LOLC FINANCE & LOLC INSURANCE 01 COST - 2500
On November 02, 2023, our Club GMT, Lion JM SAJITH, presented plants to all the School children during 300plant donation program. 1 TREE PLANT - 450
Our project to provide goats to underprivileged communities is called "Power of family.making a difference by providing goats to those in need, promoting sustainability and self-reliance." - 1 Goat -...
St john training programme and donating books
Free diabetes blood test conjunction with elderly day
Motivation and Financial literacy programme for nurses
Program to clean the environment around the Kuruwita Pohorabawa school and destroy dengue mosquito breeding places.
This project is a program to provide financial assistance to fourteen self-employed people in Kuruvita area, where Mr. Upul Jayasekara acted as the project chairman and Mr. Damith Premathilaka and lee...
The project to check the eyes of the students of Catepola Vidyalaya, Ratnapura and provide glasses to the students with eye defects. Mr. Pulasthi Srinath Wijesiri acted as the chairman of this project...
Tree planting programme to plant Kohomba and Mee plants in association with Pussellawa Maha Vidyalaya.
To commemorate world elders day the Divisional Secretary Bandarawela organised and held "Senior Citizens Appreciation" (Detu Puravasi Pranama) ceramany at Town Hall Bandarawela. As requested by the or...
Celebrating his birthday Mr Jevindu Demsitha Kuragama son of lion Indaka Kuragama donated 175 eggs to children who studing at J/Buwanekaba Vidyalaya (primery) on 21/11/2023.Daily meels supply from lio...