The 01st of October declared as the World Children's Day was celebrated by distributing snacks and refreshments to almost 75 people including around 60 children from the Vivekarama Vihara Mirihana Nug...
Donation Plastic bucket & Essential Dry Rations @ Rambewa, Anuradhapura. Orphanage home" CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF. PROJECT CHAIRPERSON: GLT COORDINATOR Lion AJITH RAJAK...
Donation Essential Dry Rations & Cash @ Rambewa, Anuradhapura, 45no's " LOW SYMTEMS CHILDREN'S HOME" cash donation Rs. 17000/- & dry ration value of Rs. 95,000/-CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion ...
Donation Gift Items for Teacher's @ Rambewa Anuradhapura. 15no's "special gifts". CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF. PROJECT CHAIRPERSON: GLT COORDINATOR Lion AJITH RAJAKARUNA M...
The aim of the project is to help to recover the vision for elders, living in a difficult emotional or financial situation @ Rambewa, Anuradhapura. 50no's Glasses with Bifocal Lenses & 150no's Spectac...
The World Children's and Elders day was celebrated at the Vivekarama vihara in Mirihana, Nugegoda on the 01st of October 2023 with the Chief Guest District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid accompanied by th...
DONATION OF WHITE BOARD @ Rambewa Anuradhapura. 3no's white board markers, and erasers. CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF. PROJECT CHAIRPERSON: GLT COORDINATOR Lion AJITH RAJAKA...
The aim of the project is to help pregnant women living in a difficult emotional or financial situation @ Rambewa, Anuradhapura. CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF. PROJECT CHAIR...
DONATION OF EXERCISE BOOKS,PEN, ERACER, WATER BOTTLE & LUNCH BOX @ Rambewa Anuradhapura. 200no's "Student's Pack" consists of a high quality exercise books, stationery items. CHIEF GUEST'S : District ...
The Poya full moon is a significant day fir devotees to perform an act of asking forgiveness and indulge in prayers and meditation. Fast the whole afternoon is a vital part of this performance. A meal...
Lion Nayana Palliage was the resource person for the Grade 5 scholarship seminar conducted by LC of Homagama Supreme
Provided evening refreshments and Gift packs to elderly people with special needs who are living in the Sucharithodaya Home, Maharagama. Refreshments- Pastries, Cakes, Banana. Gift Packages- Toothbrus...
Donated the breakfast for Dhaham schools children's number of 1241, for competition exam of the Zone of the Eheliyagoda (Dhaham schools - 46 ) project chairman : Lion Asanga Kasthuriarachchi / Lin Pat...
Children's Day Celebration ay Sucharithodaya Children Home, Maharagama. Provided Evening Snacks, Pastries, Cakes, Chocolates and Banna and Drinks for 60 Children living in the Home.
On the 12th September in addition to the king coconut, food and dry ration distribution Project Chairman Lion Bandula Algiriya together withhis family members donated 1600 medical disposable syringes,...
Donated Gift Packs that contain Writing Books, Pencils, Pens, Erasers, and Sharpeners. It also contained Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Soap and Shampoo. for 60 Children Living in the Sucharithodaya Children...
On the 12th of September 2023 Project Chairman Lion Bandula Algiriya together with his family members decided to distribute 2,000 fresh king coconuts to all at the Apeksha Cancer Hospital, patients, s...
Rejevaskin medicine was purchased and sent to a patient 8400 Rs
National Evaluation Week Seminar - Board Director Lion Roshan Raja representing Lions Club - Leadership training for youth wearing Lions Pin in his Blazer
Lion Malinga's Donation to Rumassala Temple Theros 30 Qty 30 * 3000 = 90,000 Rs Total