Donation of a e - electric bike to a five school Lions club of Eravur supreme donated of e - electric bike to five School Eravur Participations for the event lions DG Ismath Hamid ,Region Chairman Lio...
Donated Baby basin and Drt rations to pregnant mothers Ptoject cgairperson Lion Anoma Amarasinghe Participated SVDG Gaya Upasena MJF Club president LIon Saman Dharmasena MJF
Donated school uniforms needy students Project chairperson Lion Saman Dharmasena. present SVDG Gaya Upasena MJF and 19 Colombo Chariot members in Pitipana, homagama.
Book donation needy students Project chairperson Lion Paul Korea Participated SVDG Gaya Upasena MJF and Club President Lion Saman Dharmasena MJF and other 20 Lions
Monthly Donating program for two students studying at Mahinda Rajapaksha College ,and to buy their obtaining educational materials and other things because they are females .
Distribution of 5 kg rice bags to among 50 needy families. Project chairperson Lion Dhammika Hettiarachchi MJF. Participated SVDG Gaya Upasena MJF and Club President Lion Saman Dharmasena MJF and othe...
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City has donated supporting things to a self-employee for development his street line Hopper Business.
In response to the request made by the Deputy Director of Apeksha Hospital and the Hospital Committee, a collaborative project for dental care was organized for the nursing staff, hospital attendants,...
The aim of the project is to help pregnant women living in a difficult emotional or financial situation. CHIEF GUEST'S : District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF. PROJECT CHAIRPERSON: Lion Lady AMITHA...
DONATION OF EXERCISE BOOKS,PEN, ERACER, WATER BOTTLE & LUNCH BOX @ Islamic education center, Anuradhapura. 31no's "Student's Pack" consists of a high quality exercise books, stationery items. CHIEF GU...
Plant a tree @ Rambewa, Anuradhapura. Make it a tradition and plant a tree in the earth and before you know it there will be a family grove of trees. Project Chairperson GLT COORDINATOR Lion AJITH RAJ...
"Lion Anura Pradeep's Gift of Opportunity: University Scholarship On September 30, 2023, Lion Anura Pradeep, a dedicated member of the Lions Club of Havelock Legends, opened the doors of opportunity ...
On September 24, 2023, our Lions Club of Havelock Legends embarked on a mission to clean Wellawatta Beach, but we didn't stop there! Alongside our dedicated beach cleaning efforts, we extended our war...
"Bringing Waves of Success: Wellawatta Beach Cleaning Project Triumph On September 24, 2023, the sun rose on a day that would leave a lasting imprint on our hearts and the shores of Wellawatta Beach....
Teaching English Language for School Children of low income Families, at Maliban Aramaya Kotte. This Project was initiated and conducted by Lion Lady Ranmali Dias MBA/ B Ed. and will be continuing til...
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City has donated stationary item to Clinic Complex, Base Hospital, Sammanthurai.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City has Donated money Rs. 150,000/= to Masjithul Khair, Sammanthurai for support to Building Construction.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City has organized a word children day celebration on 1st October 2023 at IBNOO ZEENA PRE SCHOOL,
Donated 30 meal parcels per day for the selected needy students of Erawwala Darmapala College, Pannipitiya and 08 days a month
Drug awareness program was held at Pitipana Project chairperson Lion Chaimen Coongne MJF/MAF Paricipated SVDG Lion Gaya Upasena club President Lion Saman Dharmasena MJF/PMAF and 19 other Lions
Arranged Lunch to 200 needy peoples at Aramaya Kaaliamman Kovil Dematagoda Project chairperson Lion K.V.Ravindran MJF/MAF participated Lion Anu Jayasinghe and Lion P.Sivalingam