Today we joined the Batticaloa Leo Club to do a food donation project at the elder's home in Batticaloa. It's a needy project for the current situation of the country.
Arrange environment project with Welimaluwa Vidayalaya at welimaluwa Lellopitiya 25 childrens are training with Central environmental Athourity's officers & planting 75 nos plants, Handover 05 scholar...
Arrange environment project with Welimaluwa Vidayalaya at welimaluwa Lellopitiya 25 childrens are training with Central environmental Athourity's officers & planting 75 nos plants, Handover 05 scholar...
Food distribution is the most urgent first step to ending hunger. Helping children by bringing nutritious free meals can make the lives of children happy and comfortable. Project donation of foods for...
Jiko Pre School including 42 student with 3 Teachers manage by Lions Club of Pannipitiya
Donate Breakfast and dry ration Parcels for near 100 poor Elders and diabetic, kidney and cancer patients (one Parcel for 3 days 4 member family's)
According to the District Governor 's first day celebration 01/07/2023 done environment project. Project chairperson Lion Jagath Senarathne. Planting 40 nos of fruit plants in Nethsetha Hospital Land ...
According to District Governor first day celebration arrange eye camp in Nethsetha Hospital in Rathnapua 60 nos patients in Panamura ,Kolonne area persons . Their eyes are checking needful persons 26 ...
How we use donations to self productions ,team works in village ,team production interduce to market. Money save to future. Lecturer pagoda Grama sevaka Mr Ishad Hameed. cordinater poverty eradicater ...
Past Presidents Appreciation
Colombo Continental Excellence get-together
Helped to do implant surgery for a lady who died ridden and now she is backto normal
From starting 1st of July to one week it is conducted wall painting project at children's ward
District Governor and Key officers visit
Inauguration of Lion Ladies Wing
Lion Ladies Appreciation
Martial Arts Training Programme for school students at Tissamaharamaya.
We left Colombo on 3rd July and visited this girl who requested school items and took her shopping to buy all her school needs. Next day bought cloths as she requested it later.
It is conducted home dinner preparation and distribution for children at maithree children home. There were 23 children and 3 staff members. Travelling, spend time with children, food preparation, foo...
We traveled from Colombo to Wilpattuwa on 3rd July and stayed over night as we had to purchase the groceries on 3rd July. And 4th July morning visited the children school and hostel and had tea with t...
Construction of a way for the disabled to enter the upper part of the Saman temple