We Donated 2 chairs to HelpAge
We constructed a toilet at Help Age Wellawatta
We help renovate Bope MOH and reopen it.
We donated necessary medical supplies, stationery and other equipment to two Public Health Nursing Officers to support their service towards public who has difficulties reaching out to regular medical...
We donated chairs to the help age staff
We provided the required Supplies for house construction
We partnered with divisional secretariate to facilitate a Leadership Development for 80 children
We sponsored the Sports meet of the Malagala School
Construction work of toilets were commenced to built two toilets and renovation to two existing toilets. District Governor Lion Benner Gamalath donated SLR 250000/ and club members & wel wishers donat...
We conducted a lecture / workshop for students sitting for grade 5 scholarship exam 2022 in Primary School, Aluth Ambalama kosgama
We made a donation to uplift the infrastructures of the Special Needs children unit of the Aluth Ambalama kosgama primary school
Construction of Tube well( 200ft) and Pipe line building : Process is continue 2nd day. Beneficiaries - School children & village people of Omadiyamadu. Boarder village Battical...
Fertilizer and seeds distribution among farmers
Distribution of Anoda Plants among Farmers
Lions Club of Batticaloa with the support of foreign organization implemented a micro loan project to economically empower families living below poverty and/or to empower families affected by the econ...
Due to the financial crises in the country people living with very low income was affected, lost/reduced income which has brought severe impact on families and their living, and made them highly vulne...
Due to the financial crises in the country people living with very low income was affected, lost/reduced income which has brought severe impact on families and their living, and made them highly vulne...
Considering the impact of using inorganic fertilizers, rapid increase of diseases mainly cancer and also the struggle of farmers in production and using organic fertilizers after countries financial...
Donation of food and clothes to Sanhinda Childrens Home
Lions Club of Batticaloa conducted Cancer Awareness walk jointly with Batticaloa Cancer Society, Regional Department of Health Services (RDHS), nursing school students, Batticaloa Leos, Cecilian Leos ...
Donation to buy Lunch at Sanhinda Childrens Home