One hundred King Coconuts were donated to Cancer Wards by Ln Nimal Dayawansa of our Club.
A sum of Rs. 10,000/- has been donated to Team leader to buy necessary equipment for Cricket Practices.
Opening of First Cricket Tournament of the upgraded Play Ground of Kapugasmpitiya village. Fistly Six a side tournament was play and Trophy. was awarded to the winning team.
Donation of Volley ball Post, Nets and Volley Balls to Rifle Range Sports Society on their request. Lion Lallans Perera MJF also financially supported on the request of Lion Amalka Menikkadawara.
On the request of Malangama Rifle Range Youths and the village Youth Volley ball group, we have sponsored the Volley Ball Tournament and awarding Trophy to the winning team.
Developing and upgrading of Rifle Range Housing Scheme play ground by earth filling to a marshy land adjoining to the play area as there was not suitable land area for development.
Providing Cement, concrete stones and sand for attending to minor repairs and maintenance of the hospital.
Upgrading and replacing doors and windows of Emergency Theatre in forth floor of the hospital, cleaned the roof top in order to get beautiful environmental situation as the patients were in dark envi...
Constructing a suitable Toilet to a elderly couple and a young boy who are living without any permanent income and did not have a toilet lfacilities during last four years.
Cutting hilly area cleaning and levelling and prepared to a suitable play area by using JCB, Caterpillars, Rollers, Tippers and other heavy equipment and prepared (02) Two Acre play ground, which wa...
Donation of School Bags and other connected books etc to a deserving 6th year boy who has lost his parents and is schooling at R/Ananda Vidyalaya of Hidellana,
Providing Slon Pipes & fittings and other equipment to improve agriculture practices in Rathganga Temple, where we have supplied seeds and fertilizer in two months back with the help of Leads for cult...
A toilet was constructed for a poor family in Watawala area and the same toilet they used earlier was in a dilapidated condition.
Providing seeds ,Compose fertilizer and necessary tools to school children in order to train them on home gardening with the help of Leads, Ratnapura.
Conducting workshop for Small category Entrepreneurs to educate them on business matters with the help of Chamber of Commerce.
Cricket Tournament has been organized in the newly prepared Play ground of Kosgala estate and provided Torphys, Certificates and Gifts to participants and winning teams.
We partnered with the Divisional Hospital in Padukka to perform tests on Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, BMI, Blood pressure, and Breast cancer examination which were performed by qualified registered Nurse...
We partnered with the Divisional Hospital in Padukka to perform tests on Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, BMI, Blood pressure, and Breast cancer examination which were performed by qualified registered Nurse...
On the request made by Grama Niladari and Samagi Jana Padanama of Kahangama, action have been taken to legally marry 16 unmarried estate Tamil couples those who have two to four children, taking into...
We partnered with the Divisional Hospital in Padukka to perform tests on Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, BMI, Blood pressure, and Breast cancer examination which were performed by qualified registered Nurse...
We partnered with the Divisional Hospital in Padukka to perform tests on Blood Sugar, Cholesterol, BMI, Blood pressure, and Breast cancer examination which were performed by qualified registered Nurse...