Lions club of Sammanthurai *Golden City* donated *Stationary items* to pre school Malkampity,sammanthurai. Club President Lion Dr Z.A.Bazeer MJF/MAF and Club Treasurer Lion S.M.Nafeer MJF/MAF attend...
*Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City Started* the new Lionistic year with a *Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden City Started* the new Lionistic year with a Self Employment project . Our Club selecte...
Lions CLub of Uva Capital conducted a Orientation to Prospective Leo Club of Uva Wellassa University students about the basics or Leoism. Club Secretary & Certified Guiding 2022-2024 Lion Kajaneeshara...
Lions Club of Uva Capital Club GLT Coordinator Lion Shiraz Khan gave a special motivation speech in the orientation program of Leo Cub of St. Thomas Bandarawala. District Leo President Indunil Udara P...
Lions Club of Uva Capital Club Director & First Vice District Governor Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF was the felicitator for the Mass Orietnation Program conducted by Lions District 306 C2. District Governor...
The exercise books provided for the children who are living under the poverty zone at Pirambaditheevu, Kalkudah as per the request of Rev. Father, Methodist church, Kalkudah.
Since July 28th is the World Hepatitis Day, Lions Club of colombo Mid city planned and arranged an Awareness program on Hepatitis across from all the Social media Platforms available.
Distributed dengue prevent leaflets among the villagers of kottawa, kulasewana mawatha, & fourway junction area and advice them to prevent from dengue .zone charperson Lion wasantha sriyani also pa...
Built a bus halt for the use of commuters of the tharala area
Lion members: 14 Chairpersons: Lion Upatissa Thirimanna, Lion Thilaka Thirimanna, Lion Harshi
Lion members participated: Lion Aloka, Lion Suranga, Lion Shalika, Lion Harshi, Lion Syama
Chief Guest: PDG Lion Wickumpriya Weerakkody Chairperson: Lion Nimal Premananda No. of participants: 22 Venue: De-Spencer Hall, Mattegoda Project cost: 100,000 rupees
Food donation: 60,000 rupees Chairperson: DCS Lion Aloka Wahalawatta Members: 10 Governor & Chairperson Lion Upul Punchihewa
Books & School bag donation including fruits Value: 24,000 rupees Chairperson: Lion Deepthi Welpahala Lion Members: 10 Governor & Chairperson Lion Upul Punchihewa
Subject: Ayurvedic Tea Location: Apeksha Sanasuma Gampaha Participants: 23 Cancer Patients Conducted by: CCC Dr. Mohamed Nooman Fathima Fakeeha
Distributed dry ration parcels to selected low income family members at meththarama Road, Kottawa. Cabinet tresurer Lion Chumith Jayasundara and Zone Chairperson Lion Wasantha Sriyani also paticipa...
Donated cheque valued Rs.5000 to kidney patient to get medical treatment and meththrama road ,kottawa on 1st July 2022. Cabinet tresurer Lion chumith jayasundara and Zone chairperson Lion ...
Project Name: Doughters' Birthday celebration Date:23rd of July 2022 Place: Wellawaya Value: 15000.00 Lead by: lion Kulandren due to fuel issues full lions team couldn't participate in this project, I...
CCC conducted a health care program at Wijeya Garden Ladies Association, Thihariya. This is our club's first event for the year 22/23. Special thanks go to Dr. Fakeeha Nooman. Date 01st July 2022 cost...
The project has successfully completed on 02nd July 2022 by ex-president Shantha on behalf of CCC. Given foods for animals. cost around 3,000 LKR
Project Name: Donation of Dry Rations Date: 3rd July 2022 Place: Colombo Suburbs Value: 13,000 Lkr Lead by Michelle Ubayasiri and Rumesh Ubayasiri No of Lions participants: 2