Rs.10,000/- Donated by Lion Afaham & Lion Dr. Fakeeha to Cancer Treatment center @ Gampaha (Apeksha Suwa Asapuwa)
We selected 30 patients for Cataract operation
The motivation program is done by Lion Dr, Fakina & Lion Mohomed Afam for Cancer patients @ Sanasuma Cancer Treatment Center @ Gampaha... Lion Shantha Jayasena also participated for this program
350 spectacles were donated. Zone chairman Lion Ushantha Wijesooriya, Past cabinet secretary Lion Ananda Wijesinghe and Vice Governor Lion Ismath Hameed donate us the spectacles.
Donated Dry rations, vegetables & clothes for needy families @ Borella by Lion Thilini Kahapolaarachchi & Lion Jayani Kahapolaarchchci
Donated Rs.2000 Value Medication Pack to Elderly Person @ Bellanvila Car Park
Distributing 20 Nos Lunch Packets for Needy People Near Boralesgamuwa, Bellanvila area
Donated Rs.2000 Value Medication Pack to Clergy of Pillawa Temple
Donated Biscuits, Tea Leaves, Milk Powder, etc for Evening Tea Party to Wattegedara Sujatha Elderly Home
Distributing Lunch Packets 25Nos to Needy People of Nugegoda Area
Distributing trees to Plant @ Boys Home Maharagamaa - Banana Tree, Coconut, etc
Donated for Sanitary Pads to Girls at Rukmale Girls Home (33Packets)
Donated Rs.6000/- Camila School in Mattegoda for Children's Breakfast
Hair Cut Program for School Children @ Girls Home Rukmale. Done by Lion Udeni, owner of Salon Style Boralesgamuwa.
1) Blood Donation program was held on 11th March 2022 and 75 blood donors donated 75 pints of blood.
Distributing coconut, Banana, trees to plant @ battaramulla elders & child care center
Donated LED Bulbs 400 Nos to Dawatagaha Muslim Mosque at town hall
Lions Club of Pelmadulla install a new Leo club called "Synergy 22" on 7th March 2022. 25 students from Gankanda Central College were enrolled. Past district governor Lion Lasantha Gunawardana instal...
Providing of a healthy meals for mother's attending antenatal clinic at meewanapalana on every month (clinic date)
Conducting an English education course for pre school children and providing ten school bags World ladies day deliberation event