Donate pair of shoes for a child and a dry rations box delivered to a widowed family through a known party in Polonnaruwa District. The project cost was 10,000/- LKR.
4 complete set of books for Science subject for 4 children at IDH was namely handed over to the District Governor Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa before sending it to the courier agent. The picture was take...
The club has donated cheewara and dry rations for 40 sick monks who are getting treatment at Amilasiri Gilan Bhikshu Nivasaya Kaluaggala. The region adviser also participated this event.
On Women's Day, the club has donated baby items for 35 pregnant mothers in need at Malapalla Sri Sudarshanaramaya Temple. The region chairman also participated this event.
Annually Lions Club of Batticaloa celebrates the White Cane Day with the children of Dharisanam center children, this year too it was celebrated, starting with a procession for giving awareness to the...
Lions Club of Jawatte Summit had a surgery program at Help Age Hospital Colombo 06 Sri Lanka 10 cataract surgeries were done . This is to celebrate the Melvin Jones Birthday.
Nawalapitiya lions family annual outing to nuwaraeliya for 2 days 26th and 27th march 2022 19 lions and their families participated. Viaited moon plains, victoria park, victoria museum, and rama seeth...
Donation of a pair of School shoes to a needy school student. Project chairperson Lion Lady Dulanjalee De Silva
Sponsoring chithra lane special need school sport meet. Provided gifts, medles, meals & other expences .
Arrange Transportation for cataract operated 15 Adult Patients to attend Eye clinic at Ratnapura. Lion K V Ravndran and Lion Vijaya Kumar participated.
Arrange Eye Cataract surgeries among 15 number of adults.
Donated School Stationeries among 100 School Students
Donated School stationeries among 50 students at Gasiripira Anuradhapura
Donated School stationeries among 75 students at Hirigollagama Vidyalaya at thalava in Anuradhapura District
During the outbreak of Covid 19, 1st Vaccination programme was organized by the Medical Health Department, Lions club of Batticaloa Provided refreshment for the officials and volunteered in organizing...
A women Headed family is living in a house which was donated by an NGO after Tsunami, after construction no maintenance was done as this family was earning income by selling string hoppers, which is n...
An active student from a vulnurable family was struggling to attend school as there was no transportation, normally he has to travel few kilometers to reach the man road, seeing his difficulty and vul...
Dry rations provided for the woman headed family. ( Including one disable child)
Trees planted in the Church premises with Rev. father.
Provided 15 No. of A4 Paper reams for the Kayankerny Saraswathy Vidyalayam, Battery.
A joint project with Sammamthurai Lions Club. Provided leaflets of awareness of Diabetes.