Construction and Donation of a toilet to a disable family joint project with lions club of Akkaraipattu.
Project 8 Issuing the 1000 Nos of clinical books to Batticaloa Teaching hospital Time : 12.30 p.m Venue: Batticaloa Teaching Hospital Project Chairperson: Lion Radha Gnanaretnam Chief quest : Lion Ism...
Project 7 On the occasion of club President Lion K.Gnanaretnam’s 61st birthday on 29.07.2021,The 32 needy students who have same birth date with him from the Batticaloa west Educational zone,Rs.1000...
Project 6 Issuing the interest free MAF loan application form to selected lower income and female headed families from Onthachimadam and Mandoor villages. Chief quest : Lion Ismath Hamid PMJF-2nd VDG
Today we provided refreshment and lunch packs to the MOH office staff. Today they vaccinated more than 600 teachers in the division. This small project will give some boots to them.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, We have issued dry ration packets for 50 families who are effected & have not income to survive during this 3rd Wave of COVID-19 at Kaluwankerny 3, Batticaloa.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, We have issued dry ration packets for 50 families who are effected & have not income to survive during this 3rd Wave of COVID-19 at Kaluwankerny 02,Batticaloa.
On behalf of Lions Club of batticaloa, handing over the Sports equipment’s to Bharathi Sports Club which is standing in rural area to develop their sports activity.
Continues Project of contribution A part of Salary For Teachers Attached to Psychiatrics patents units
Data Launching for 2000 students who are suffering to meet their online studies of lacking to have Data Packages surrounding in Batticaloa Zone.(04 Zones) We have harmonized with the leading mobile ne...
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa,Organized to donate dry ration packets (48 Packets) to needy society who is suffering to meet day to day expenses in this pandemic in Unnichchai & Pattipalai Vill...
We have distributed face masks to the public.
We are aware of the public of the covid 19 situation and its symptoms by issuing handbills.
We selected 20 families, especially women leading families in the selvanagar area. This project will help them to servive in the covid 19 situations.
We selected 30 low-income families and provided Dry Rations to fulfill their needs in this covid 19 Situation.
We distributed 450 face masks and Covid 19 awareness handbills to the public. This project will help the people to be aware of the Covid 19 in our areas.
We plant 25 trees in the temple at Navatkudah Divisions. It will give protection to the environment in the future.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, Organized to donate dry ration packets (54 Packets) to needy society who is suffering to meet day to day expenses in this pandemic in Ghandhi Village.
A person who is looked-for his medical expenses on every month & it’s able to stand on his one month requirement at our end.
We have observed the requirement of Air Conditioner in the laboratory of COVID-19 Unit in Teaching Hospital of Batticaloa at urgent basis and able to fulfill this requirement on 01.07.2021.
On behalf of Lions Club of Batticaloa, Organized to donate dry ration packets to needy pupil who is suffering to meet their day to day expenses in this pandemic in Kiran Area.