Donations of Dry rations to 50 deserving families affected by the covid pandemic,Lions club of Nuwara Eliya successfully conducted their 4th project for the year of 2021/2022 by donating dry rations t...
Presidents Day of Excellence "-1st July '21. As symbol of marking the event, 50 trees were planted at the historical Seetha Amman Kovil compound.Seethaeliya.
Presidents Day of Excellence " 1st of July '21 Dry rations valued at Rs.30,000/= were distributed to deserving families affected due to covid pandemic at the historical Seetha Amman Kovil, Seethaeliy...
A Pooja invoking blessings upon District Governor Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa, President Lions club of Nuwaraeliya Ln.Yogeshan, the recovery of Past President Ln.Indika Ratnayake and for the protection...
Providing study kits along with internet access for educational purposes for a duration of six months to five selected students in need.
Chief Guest: DG Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa and Region Chairperson Lion Mahinda Weerasinghe. Cabinet Secretary Lion Ranjith Fernando and 2021/2022 Club Officers participated.
Chief Guest: DG Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa and Region Chairperson Lion Mahinda Weerasinghe. Cabinet Secretary Lion Ranjith Fernando and 2021/2022 Club Officers participated.
Chief Guest: DG Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa and Region Chairperson Lion Mahinda Weerasinghe. Cabinet Secretary Lion Ranjith Fernando and 2021/2022 Club Officers participated.
Chief Guest: DG Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa and Region Chairperson Lion Mahinda Weerasinghe. Cabinet Secretary Lion Ranjith Fernando and 2021/2022 Club Officers participated.
We Provided refreshments (50 no’s) to medical staff who are working on vaccinations to public on 12/07/2021 at YMCA building Thandavavely Batticaloa.Project chairperson Lion Dr M Murugamoorthy L/C o...
Debate -Through online classes who is the major contributor to succeed learning & teaching process. Teacher or Student,between the students of Sri patha teachers college and OUSL Batticaloa on 03.07.2...
Tree distribution to BT/Sivananda National school,Kallady,Batticaloa.
Covid-19 Awareness programme in front of GV hospital Batticaloa with Lions club of Sammanthurai Golden city.
Tree planting at Open University of Srilanka,Batticaloa branch with the participation of Director of Open University Batticaloa Branch.
Donated 10 packets of lunch to some needy people & who do road cleaning work.
This is a continuous project of the Lions Club of Pannipitiya conducted by the Project Chairperson Lion Athula Ratnayake. Distribution of Breakfast to 32 recipients receiving the Govt. poverty grant, ...
we the Singing Fish giving free data to the students for their online zoom classes
Donating water bottles to vaccinating center
Donated essential food items to Needy people at Wellawattha with chief guest Roshan Kanchana Yapa , Zone chairman Lion Nishaman , Lion Maheshi , Lion Nilmini
Donated sanitizers and face masks to Bellanwila Temple with the chief guest Rosha Kanchana Yapa and Zone chairman Lion Nishaman, Lion Maheshi , Lion Nilmini, Lion Sudesh