World Tourism Day was celebrated on the 27th September 2020 with a Beach Cleanup program in Kirinda, Tissamaharama. NTGL Lions and NTGL members participated in the campaign. Chief guest was the Govern...
World Environment Day was celebrated by NTGL Lions and other NTGL members on the 26th of September by a tree planting campaign attended by the Minister of Environment Hon Mahinda Amaraweera. 500 Mee p...
The Beach clean up was attended by DG Lion Rasika, 1st VDG Lion Roshan Yapa, 2nd VDG Lion Bannet Gamlath. It was a joint project with MEPA (Marine Environment Protection Authority).The Chief Guest was...
Colour washing of Uththararamaya Temple, Pitipana with the blessings of the Bikkhus.
Lion S Balakarishnana MAF Donated Rs 5000.00 And Lion J Kummaresh MJF donated Rs 5000.00 to a needy person for a heart surgery
To strengthen the members we organized a marathon among members and friends of Godspeed friends
Conducted a Lions Quiz programme with 25 questions for Lions of MHG Golden City
4 wheel chair S distributed
At the request made on our herbal tree planting campaign day by the authority of Ayurveda hospital Ratnapura. We have donated valuable equipments for upgrade the service to the patients.
We have successfully completed the herbal tree planting project at Ayurveda Hospital Ratnapura. At the request of the authority of the ayurveda hospital Ratnapura, we have clean the garden and planted...
Distribution of foods, essential items, and immunity-boosting items for a period of a month for the Divisional hospital Dompe which was converted into a Covid 19 patient treating hospital recently.
Provided a donation for a child in need at SOS Children village .In this village ,orphanage children are looked after as providing home environment for them.Education is the best and foremost requirem...
Donation of Dry rations and Money to Cheshire home for Disabled for 22 inmates.
Kiri danaya Organized to blessed District Governor and to rest of the members of the district. 50 plus members participated to the event and chief guest District Governor. including past governors , c...
Distribution of 150 Dry Ration Parcel for needy peoples in the maharagama area. One parcel worth each Rs. 2500/- . Total Cost Rs. 375,000/- . District Governor Lion Dr. Rasika Priyantha Participated a...
A heath camp was organized for blood screening for diabetics and donate medicine for needy community in the area. Also eye screening was conducted for 145 citizens and Brand New reading glasses donate...
Donation of roofing items for needy family in meeriyagalla area
Governor Ashirwada Poojawa
We release a cow from death for Sankhapala Buddhist Temple
Donated new Dell laptop computer for newly selected university student, for the online studies.