Fr. Mariyanayagam Orphanage was established by Rev. Fr. Mariyanayagam under the Catholic Church Mission and Rev. Fr. died many years back while he tried to save a girl drowned in the sea, girl was sav...
Kathiaveli village is situated in between Vaharai & Verugal in which poorest of the poor are living, base on the request of the Divisional Secretary of that area we have supported to the elders with s...
International Children Day was organized with the Eastern University medical students and Leo Club of Batticaloa at the University pediatric unit in the Teaching Hospital Batticaloa. The director, hig...
Lion S Balakarishnan MAF Joint Hands with few of his friends to clean by spraying chemical's and awareness programs posters in a rural city Kandapola town with a few poplation of around 3500 to 4000 w...
Webinar on tackling two pandemics: Covid 19 and Diabetes Conducted by Dr. Manilka Sumanatilleke : MBBS, MD(Col), MRCP(Lon), MRCP-Diabetes & Endocrinology (UK), FRCP (Edin), FACE (USA), FSLCE(SL) He ...
Conducted a Project by providing Essential Dry Rations for a one month for the Children of St. Xaviour Children Home in N' Eliya. Project chairperson. Lion Suraweera MAF. Chief Guest was Our club Sec...
Granted Sanitary Napkins, diapers, bed sheets, and other essentials for the Covid treatment centre situated at Wathupitiwala youth training centre which accommodate 150 covid patients.
Donating televisions for the use of the Covid19 patients.
Disinfection and sanitisation of Seeduwa Police station Project chairperson Ln Senapala MAF
Disinfection and sanitisation of Katunayake Police station project chairperson :Ln Senapala MAF
Disinfection and Sanitisation of Raddolugama Police station. Project chairperson Ln. Senapala MAF
Donated of Sanitizers to Traffic division , Peliyagoda Police station Project chairperson : Lion Senapala MAF
Donated 12 Nos Safety Kits and 03 Themometers to Crime Division, Peliyagoda by Lion Senapala MAF
Lions Club of Colombo Mid City just signing off from its Region Chairperson's official visit and Monthly meeting. Lion N.M. Hairudeen MJF/MAF(Region Chairperson of Region 3 District 306C2 was the chi...
Donated of 30 Packs of Dry Rations to 30 Quarantine families in Divulapitiya divisional secretarial area. Chief Guest was our Club Director Ln Suraweera MAF
Virtual Walkathon
Donations made to Leo Club of Homagama Central. 1 Washroom Door - 1 Commode - 1/4 Sand Cube - Salary for a constructor and cash 5000/-
As per the request of MOH Sammanthurai our lions club of Sammanthurai Golden city has donated 300 Stickers and 300 certificates on 09.11.2020 corona Quarantine sticker and certificate
Webinar with Dr. Suneth Rajawasan MBBS MCGP on how to be brave enough to survive "positive" Joint project with colombo knights Leo Club , Executive Committee of Lions Club of Colombo Mid City also P... - Website Created for Colombo Mid City
Reporting on District Mobile App - September