Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Batticaloa was organized by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Centennial Stars was organized by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Batticalo Ladies was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club Campus Lions club vantharumoolai of was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthur...
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Branch Club of Arayampathy was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Kaluwanchikudy Town was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden Ci...
Joint cancer awareness campaign-Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Kalmunai Town was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Joint cancer awareness campaign- Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Akkaripattu of was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
L/C of Sammanthurai Golden City organized a project to selected school students who are live in remote area, to donate Rs.1000 per head for total 28 students.
Lions Club of Sammanthurai golden city organised a project for 28 poor school students of Nainakadu to open savings account with deposit money worth Rs 3,500 per student for total 10 students and Rs....
Tree planting Project in the Independence Day at KM/ST/AL- Aqsha Vidyalaya Nainakadu Sammanthurai
Joint cancer awareness campaign- Leaflets distribution to public on childhood and adult cancer awareness with Lions Club of Galoya valley was organised by Lions Club of Sammanthurai Golden City
Donated a wheel chair for a disable women sponsored by lions club of maharagama central.
Donated 100 Specs to the poor people in need. Project Chairperson Lady Lion Jayanthi sponsored by the District Governor
Donated 200 School Books for school students. Project Chairperson Lady Lion Jayanthi Neelababile
Donated child-aids and dry ration packs to 50 pregnant mothers in the rural areas in Horana. Project Chairperson - Lady Lion Jayanthi Neelababile
Milk Supply Packs , Sugar , Coffee and Tea provided to a School for the whole year.
Diabetic Awareness Camp on behalf of World Women's Day
Conducted Educational Program for Pre-school Teachers & Donated 60 no's Lions logo branded umbrella's to teachers.
Donation of School books & items to Okkampitiya Junior School Students
200 Valuable plants planted in Okkampitiya Junior School garden.