Assisting in getting service from Lions Eye Hospital for free Cataract Surgery

Marikkar Bazee Mohamed Ismail
Turning Darkness into Light through restoring vision
Assisting in getting services from Lions Eye Hospitals, especially Nethsetha Hospital at Rathnapura
Colombo Continental Excellence
Zone 1
Region 1
Lions Eye Hospitals, especially Nethsetha Hospital at Rathnapura
Provided letters to 07 low-income patients to receive free cataract surgery services from Nethsetha Lions Eye Hospital in Ratnapura. This includes two letters issued at the end of October, with the patients visiting the hospital in November. These two cases have been included in this month's report as they were not accounted for in the October reporting.
5 hour(s)
Rashika Harshani Pathinayake
2025-01-13 05:39:21
2025-01-14 06:40:46
455, 000.00 LKR
