Home > Activities > Club Activiteis > Provided fruit plants for school childrn
Provided fruit plants for school childrn
Siripala S Konara
Serve to Environment
Tree Planting
at Arawwala
Provided fruit plants for 65 children Provided school stationary for 65 children at Arawwala organized by Lions Club of Kottawa Central.
Project chairmen Lion Konara ,zone chairperson & district head of environment contributed for plant providing. 2nd vice governor Lion Banet gamalath was the chief guest.Guest of honor PDG Lion Vikum. Zone chairperson Lion Chamath C.Jayalath and members of the Kottawa central Lions clubs were participated the event.
organized by Lions Club of Kottawa Central.
Project chairmen Lion Konara. 2nd vice governor Lion Banet gamalath was the chief guest.Guest of honor PDG Lion Vikum. Zone chairperson Lion Chamath C.Jayalath and members of the Kottawa central Lions clubs were participated the event.