Home > Activities > Club Activiteis > School Scholarship - Zone CHairpersons Project on 01.08.2021
School Scholarship - Zone CHairpersons Project on 01.08.2021
Education & Empowerment of Children, Youth & Women
Other Activities related to Point 5 Program.
Zone 01
Region 06
R P Associates office complex
As per keeping with the District Governor’s Project Program, The Zone Chairperson’s Service Project on 01.08.2021 was carried out with the Region Advisor Lion S Konara and the Team members of the Lions Club of Kottawa Central including the president of Club Lion Wasantha Siryani and Project Chairperson Lion W A Hemasiri.
A monetary scholarship amounting to LKR 23,745 obtained via a foreign sponsor was awarded to a deserving underprivileged schoolchild to further his education from Germany.
The details are as follows:
Mast. Thanuka Kandage
Grade 9
Mahinda Rajapaksa Vidyalaya, Homagama.
Sponsor: Ms. Kuhn Karin, From Germany