To Support for eliminating Hunger . organize programs focusing the Riddance of Hunger
Colombo Knights
Zone 04
Region 04
Project "Ending Hunger" was successfully executed on the 1st of July 2021 with the concept of Presidents' Excellence Day by District Governor Lion Roshan Kanchana Yapa MJF MAF. Club President for the year 2021/22 Leo Lion Anjelo Botheju was the project chairperson. The distribution has happened near the Kesbewa area with a Participation of 10 Leo Lions. We the Leo Lions Club of Colombo Knights were able to distribute 50 lunch packs to people who struggled to get enough food for the day. As Leo-Lions, we are gratified with the innocent thankful gestures of the people who received food that day. We as one family, are proud and humbled for the service, we were able to do for society.