Work shop for Teachers ,Parents and Charity Program in special children’s Activity Centre

Renuka Colambage
Child Care and Woman Empowerment
Celebrating lnternational Children's day
Kottawa Ladies Dignity
#353/1 Angampitiya, Padukka.
 Project Chairperson : Lion Renuka Damayanthi Colambage (# 5113175) Objects-  Appreciation, awarding and teaching -Social Workers To encourage and motivate Social Workers how they want to be and use reflection as a tool to learn about themselves and improve their practice and to develop special children’s activity centres more effectively.  Motivation of special need children and relevant parties Our goal in this events to create positive and personal differences in the lives of at-risk children so they can achieve productive lives, live with healthy habits and maintain peaceful attitudes toward themselves and others. We do this through teaching essential skills that influence the development of compassion, good choices, positive attitudes and confident minds. We aim to: • Ensure that all at-risk children we reach through our programs and events feel loved and derive skills that support their development and healthy sense of self • Be a source of unique empowerment programs that children otherwise would not have • Build healthier communities by investing in the positive development of children • Provide easy and rewarding opportunities for individuals & corporations to give back We celebrate when children become successful because they choose to be happy, kind, respectful and competent adults.  Chief Guest : District Governor District 306 C2 (2019/2020) Lion Binara Jayawardena PMJF  Participants  Region Chairperson. -Lion Rohitha Fernando  Former Region Chairperson- Lion Priyantha Botheju  Former Zone Chairperson –Lion Major Senerath Bandara Herath  Club members  Lion Lakmini Perera  Lion Renuka Damayanthi Colambage  Lion Chandani Guruge  Lion Vishaka Yatagampitiya  Lion Prarthana Aparaji  Lion Renuka Jayasoma  Lion Manjula Senanayake  Lion Champa Jayamini  Lion Dharshani Damayanthi  Lion Irosha Udangani  Some Volunteers (Owner of Dividiriya Special School, four Teachers, Patents and children)
100 hour(s)
Renuka Colambage
2019-11-18 01:52:53
2019-11-27 01:41:41
79, 860.00 LKR
