Arranging Covid 19 and Dengue Awareness Programs and implement Suitable Projects simultaneously
Zone 01
Region 04
Vihara Maha Devi Vidayalya Deans Road,Colombo-10
Project done by Lions Club of Colombo Diamonds Donated Covid 19 Safety Gears to School Children Valued At Rs.30,000.00 LKR to Vihara Maha Devi Vidayalya Deans Road,Colombo-10. Project Chairperson Lion Ladies Mubarak Fathima Nazreen (4792305) And Abdul Hassan Fathima Amna (5729654) Attended As Chief Guest District Governor District Cabinet Secretary With Upul Punchihewa (PMJF) Regional Project Chief Coordinator, Sugath Jayanatha (MJF/MAF) Deputy Cabinet Treasure With Other 10 Lion Members And Lion Ladies.