Arms Giving to Elders Home

Lakmini Perera
Supporting elders homes
Kottawa Ladies Dignity
157 1/34, Horahena Road, Kottawa, Pannipitiya
 Project Chairperson : Lion Lakmini Perera (# 5113174) This project was based on the request of The Charles and Roslyn Fernando Trust Elder's home and as they wish. Religious program and alms giving with the intention of making them happy as a celebration of world Elder's Day. Object- To make happy some desolate elders happy by  Helping them to feel more independent and in control of their situation,  Include them in all conversations and decisions about their care and communicate openly and honestly with them.  Ask them for their input and opinions about any options we are considering.  Giving a nourishment lunch and subvention.  Depending on their overall health and how well they can manage day-to-day tasks, they may need anything from occasional help to constant support.  Talking to them, spend time observing them, and work with their healthcare providers to determine their needs.  Participants  Club members  Lion Lakmini Perera  Lion Renuka Damayanthi Colambage  Lion Chandani Guruge  Lion Prarthana Aparaji  Lion Dharshani Damayanthi  Some Volunteers  Beneficiaries: There were about 50 no of Elders.  Events: a) Religious Program b) Supplied lunch to everyone.
24 hour(s)
Renuka Colambage
2019-12-24 10:29:19
2019-12-26 06:56:14
35, 000.00 LKR
