Donating the Study Pack to Selected Students

S. Mohamed Shifan
Education & Empowerment of Children, Youth & Women
Donating internet cards/PC/ Tabs/ Smart Phones or faclity to Schools or Low Income Families
Kattankudy MAF Excellence
Zone 02
Region 01
SLTB Depot, Kattankudy
Our Club has organised the donation of Study Pack contains exercise books and writing instruments. 60 no.s of Selected students from the well deserved family were the beneficiaries. This was organised to remark DG’s Vice President’s Excellence Day. As the New Academic Year for 2022 starts by April, the beneficiaries express their sincere gratitude for this project. DG, RC, ZC, DG’s Chief Coordinator, Cabinet Deputy Secretary and President & Secretary of the Parent Club participated in this project.
60 hour(s)
MMAH Ahamed Sabir
2022-03-02 12:30:12
2022-03-02 12:30:12
50, 000.00 LKR
