Planting Trees

MK Ahamed Bilaal
Protection of Environment
Tree Planting
Kattankudy MAF Excellence
Zone 02
Region 01
Marine Drive, Kattankudy
Our Club has organised to plant some trees in the Marine Drive, Kattankudy under the theme of Protection of Environment. Due to the urbanisation and increasing of pollution, Trees are being cut and destroyed. As the contribution to save the nature and getting the fresh air for future generation, these trees were planted with the participation of DG, RC, ZC, Cabinet Deputy Secretary, DG’s Chief Coordinator, President & Secretary of the Parent Club attended the event.
15 hour(s)
MMAH Ahamed Sabir
2022-03-02 01:05:07
2022-03-02 01:05:07
7, 950.00 LKR
