Providing sanitation liquid bottles to Karmantha Niwasaya

Sajith Morawaka Kodikara
Healthy Nation
Arranging Covid 19 and Dengue Awareness Programs and implement Suitable Projects simultaneously
Colombo Continental Excellence
Zone 03
Region 05
Havelock Town
We explored the basic needs of the Karmantha Niwasaya Havelock town to mark it in our club charity projects list to provide them in the future any such requirements as part of our projects. In this project we supplied them 20 hand wash liquid soap bottle as an initial step.
6 hour(s)
Monarange Gedara Anusha Nilangani Ilangarathna
2022-03-13 02:23:12
2022-03-13 02:23:12
2, 000.00 LKR
