'Preethipura Home' Project

Lalindu Kariyawasam
Image Building and Community Service
Supporting for differently able Persons , empowering them for getting sustainable income
Colombo Seven Excellence
Zone 05
Region 04
Preethipura Infants Home
In a world where we encounter many youth going down the road to hell, the boys got together to go down a different road. A road which will have nothing but happiness and innocent smiles wherever you look. So, the Lions Club of Colombo 07 spent some valuable time at the Preethipura Infants Home where one can say they truly lifted the spirits of those who were less fortunate. Time is of the essence and who anyone who witness the effort by the boys would truly realize that, the world is not indeed fair for all but it doesn’t mean that small acts of kindness are in vain, because those are the moments that make life worth living.
240 hour(s)
Pasindu Guneratne
2022-03-13 03:07:20
2022-03-13 03:07:20
35, 000.00 LKR
