Providing school stationary items to students.

Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
Education & Empowerment of Children, Youth & Women
Donating internet cards/PC/ Tabs/ Smart Phones or faclity to Schools or Low Income Families
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 01
Region 01
BT/Sivamani Vidiyalayam
Today, we partnered with the Colombo and Elvittigala Lions clubs to provide school supplies to needy students at the BT/Sivamani Vidiyalayam. Lions members from Colombo Elvitigala and our members took part in this event. Lion Prabha Darmarathna was there at this ceremony and mowed down on the students.
45 hour(s)
Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
2022-04-05 03:53:55
2022-04-05 03:53:55
151, 000.00 LKR
