Tree planting project

Sanjeewani Weerarathna MAF
Go Green
Tree planting Programs–
Zone 01
Region 06
Sinha Arana elders home, Pitipana.
We organized a tree planting project at Sinha Arana elders home, pitipana adhering to District Governors 5 point programme (Go Green concept). The plant were donated by Lions club members. 2022/23 club president Lion Priyantha Pushpakumara MAF, immediate past president/Zone chairperson Lion Sanjeewani Weerarathne MAF, Club 2nd vice President/Secretary Lion Varuna Wijesekera PMAF and club directors Lion Shiromani Ganegoda and Lion Banduni Yahampath and family members participated for this project. We planted soursop, moringa, guava and several ayurvedic plants. There is a specific reason that we have chosen this place because these plants being take care very well by the mothers at sinha arana.
5 hour(s)
Chaminda Varuna Jayawardana Wijesekera PMAF/JP
2022-08-12 06:42:31
2022-08-14 05:16:12
5, 000.00 LKR
