Sharing is Caring

Dinindu Rathnayaka
Better Life for All
Support Needy
Colombo Seven Excellence
Zone 01
Region 11
Buwanekaba Maha Vidyalaya, Maharagama.
Our first project for this Lionistic year was held at Buwanekaba Maha Vidyalaya, Maharagama on 07/20/2022. Through this project, we could assist around 50 low-income families in Maharagama area. We managed to provide each family with a pack of daily essentials worth 6000 LKR. These families were selected with the guidance provided by the Principal of Buwanekaba Maha Vidyalaya, Mrs. Disna Welikala. We must also mention the support given by Nestle Sri Lanka to this project.
200 hour(s)
Pasindu Guneratne
2022-08-14 03:46:47
2022-08-14 03:46:47
300, 000.00 LKR
