Ditribution of dry rayion packages for the victims affected by floods

Better Life for All
Running Food essential items Collecting /Distribution Centers
Zone 03
Region 03
Samagiya reception hall Samagigama Nawalapitiya
1st of August 2022 there was a sudden floods in many areas around nawalapitiya town, mostly in places close to the banks of mahaweli river.Floods came suddenly around 3pm and lasted 5 hours to some places and other areas were submerged for more than a week. People lost everything including the food items, clothes, mattresses,pots and pans,televisions,furniture etc. People who's houses were submerged for days were cared in relief centers, other moved into their houses next day. These people were provided with dry ration package each consisting of 5kg rice, 1kg sugar, 1kg dhal, 1 packet of noodles, 2 coconuts,1 packet of soya meat, 100g of tea, to 200 families. Funds amount into LKR 425,000 donated by district governor Lion Bannet Gamlath and his team. The Lion ladies association of district 306C2 donated sarees, clothes, children's clothes and pampers to children. Lions of Nawalapitiya contributed LKR 175,000 to this project. The recipients were identified through the Gramasewaka of the area through the divisional secretariat office Pusbaage Korale. One member from each affected family identified was requested to assemble at Samagiya reception hall and requested to sit in the seat allocated to them. Each representative was called by name and allotted number and given the packages 1st by Lion Bannet Gamlath, District Governer, the Cabinet officers who were presented there and the Lions of Nawalapitiya.
80 hour(s)
2022-08-26 02:07:03
2022-08-26 02:07:03
6, 000, 000.00 LKR
