Beach cleaning

Lion Vyramuthu Mathivanan MJF /MAF
Go Green
Cleaning campaigns (village/cities/beaches/roads)
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 02
Region 02
Puthukudieruppu Beach
The Beach cleanup event comprised the following three components. Cleaning a much polluted beach. Running an awareness campaign simultaneously to educate the public about plastic pollution and its impact on marine life, the environment and how to minimise single use plastic as a solution. We successfully completed beach cleaning project @ Puthukudieruppu, Batticaloa ❤️ In this project participated are DS Madam, DS office officers, women RDS, Fisheries organization, School students, Puthukudieruppu youths
200 hour(s)
Lion Vyramuthu Mathivanan MJF /MAF
2022-09-20 11:22:54
2022-09-20 11:33:38
75, 000.00 LKR
