Go Green and multi project

Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
Go Green
Tree planting Programs–
Colombo Alexandrite
Zone 02
Region 05
Ingiriya Rigam Estate Army Camp
25th September, 2022 - Go Green and Mini Multi Service Project at Ingiriya Rigam Estate Army Camp, Provided 70 soursap plants, 10 curry leaf plants, 02 Mangostine, 15 Hens, 10 valuable book packs + stationary items and a pair of rubber slippers to school children (Tamil & Sinhala) 05 baby needs and dry ration packs to Pregnant Mothers (Tamil & Sinhala) Also shared a nice refreshments a piece of chocolate cake and garden freshly made passion fruit juice With the participation of our Region Chairperson Lion Chandima Gunawardhana MJF, President Lion Prash Barnes MJF/MAF Secretary Lion Muthu, 3rd VP Lion Naleen Perera with his Mother In Law Lion Anandi and Father In Law + 32 Military Officers and support Staffers. First ever project this Military camp has done a joint project with a Lions Club
48 hour(s)
Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
2022-09-27 05:43:10
2022-09-30 04:54:25
142, 000.00 LKR
