Providing Vegetable Plants

Chamath C.Jayalath
Go Green
Promote home gardening & organizing competitions to select best home gardeners/practices.
Pannipitiya Paradise
Region 06
At Maharagama
With the commencing of Environment week 18th of September 2022,The District Environment project was organised by Lions club of Maharagama Central,Leo club of President collage Maharagama,District Environment team , Maharagama Municipal Council & MOH Maharagama collaboratively at Boralasgamuwa wawa. Lions Club of Maharagama Central facilitated all of the project. Following activities included in this project 1.Provided Vegetable Plants (Batu no.20 ,Malu Miris no.10,Miris no.10) Cheif guest District Governor Lion Banat Gamalath & Chief patron Lion Sarojanie Gamalath.PDG Lion Lal Manuwalge,PDG Lion Binara Jayawardana, DGST Lion Jayantha Dias,Chairperson of Lion Ladies association Lion Jeewani, DCP Lion Wasantha Jayawardana,DCP Lion Chamath Region 06 Chairperson Lion Malik,Region 07 Chairperson Lion Lakshma,Zone chairpersons (R 06 Z01)Lion Sanjeewani,(R06 Z02)Lion Rasika, (R07 Z01)Lion Chrshangani, (R05 Z01)Lion Wasanthi,President Lion Viraj Kalhara and members of Lions Club of Maharagama Central President and members of Lns club Pannipitiya Paradise ,President & members Lns club Nugegoda 2020 stars,Leos and represented lion leaders of District 306C2 (no.60)actively participated as in hand project.
20 hour(s)
Supun Chandrarathne
2022-09-29 06:27:48
2022-09-29 06:27:48
5, 000.00 LKR
