Nature Programme

Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
Go Green
Any other project related to Go Green
Colombo Alexandrite
Zone 02
Region 05
Diyasaru Park
Lions Club of Colombo NTGL jointly with District 306 C2 and Field Ornithology Group of Sri Lanka organised and brought an environmental educational programme for Lions and their Families. The event was to celebrate World Children's and Elders Day. The day was a great success and we are very thankful to Emeritus Professor Sarath Kotagama, a renowned bird and flora expert, who gave several lectures to those who came throughout the day. We enjoyed an early morning Butterfly walk and Children later had a wonderful time trying out new creative skills all centred around nature and their environment. We had the privilege to have had several senior Lions Club officers attend including DG Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF PMAF SLF
78 hour(s)
Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
2022-10-04 06:04:10
2022-10-04 06:39:07
171, 000.00 LKR
