Home > Activities > Club Activiteis > Donate Rs.200,000.00 of Bt/ Sri Maha Mariyamman Kovil
Donate Rs.200,000.00 of Bt/ Sri Maha Mariyamman Kovil
Manohararajah Nitharsan, MAF
Make an Impact
Any other project related to Make an Impact
Zone 01
Region 02
Koddamunai, Batticaloa.
Campus LC donate Rs. 200000.00 in cash to purchase materials and build a hall to use and stay the pilgrimage yatra people when they travel long distance such as Kaththaragama yathra (south region), Verugal yathra (Batti-Trinco boarder east) and use of local village people to use in disasters such as flood, Tsunami and cyclone.