Building handing over ceremony of Modern Meditation Center

Anura Pradeep Kumara MJF
Make an Impact
Build a house for identified needy
Udahamulla New Century
Zone 02
Region 11
Horaketiya, Balangoda
Building handing over ceremony of Modern Meditation Center for Buddhist Monks in Horaketiya, Balangoda. The project was totally funded by Lion Anura Pradeep Kumara MJF & Lion Lady Sagarika Udayarathna. Members who participated from the club and district: District Governor - Lion Bannet Gamalath PMJF Region Chairperson - Lion Buddhika Samarajeewa PMAF Cabinet Officer - Lion Dileep Kanishka Dias PMAF Club President - Lion Pahan Gunasingha MAF Club Secretary - Lion Saminda Lugoda MAF Club Member - Lion Lady Dinusha Lugoda Club Member - Lion Chamara Rajapaksa
480 hour(s)
Kamalinda Pahan Gunasingha
2022-11-09 03:46:52
2022-11-09 04:32:23
5, 500, 000.00 LKR
