Providing Healthy Meal to the needy students

MMAH Ahamed Sabir
Better Life for All
Support Needy
Kattankudy MAF Excellence
Zone 02
Region 02
Namahal Vidyalaya, Navalady, Batticaloa
As it is known the many schooling children are experiencing the malnutrition due to the lack of healthy food, We decided to provide healthy herbal porridge to the students of particular school. They are from poor families and in the need of getting help. Around 350 students were benefitted by this. Porridge was prepared in the school premises with the help of students and teachers, and served. School society welcomed our service and expected to do in future also.
10 hour(s)
MMAH Ahamed Sabir
2022-12-09 01:42:41
2022-12-09 01:45:38
30, 000.00 LKR
