Rehabilitation of Illegal Drugs Offenders and Abusers uplifting of Mentality

Better Life for All
Supporting and upgrading the Living slandered of differently able citizen
Zone 02
Region 04
Indoor Stadium Entertaining Hall, New Town, Ratnapura.
Educational programm on good living practices, Rehabilitation and motivation sessions for 50 persons, those who are suffering without income to pay legal fees imposed by the Courts due to involvements of illegal drugs etc. Four Musicians were singing based on subject matters in order the improve mentality of those people. This importance programe was conducted by the "Praja Visordana Unit" of Judicial Department of Ratnapura with the financial assistance of Lions Club. 4 lions, 4 officers of AGA office, 6 officers of Judicial Department of Ratnapura and 4 officers from PrajaVisordana unit attended. All participants were treated with Refreshments and tea.50 Dry Ration packs worth of Rs. 3500/- each were distributed among victims.
48 hour(s)
2023-01-21 06:47:20
2023-01-28 09:05:33
240, 000.00 LKR
