Motivation, promoting and encouraging towards good standard of education.

Invest for Future
Promote good habits among children
Zone 02
Region 04
University of Sabaragamuwa, Belihuloya, Balangoda.
We have organized 250 young school children from five rural schools, at 50 children from each school and provided transport to university site, allowed them to visit the premises and inside the halls, laboratories,facalties of Agriculture, Science, Management, Gemology and Information Technology etc. and motivated, promoted them towards the importance of higher education facilities in this sound free environmental hilly area like Belihuloya, in order for them to gain and know the general knowledge of university higher education facilities and to encouraged them for higher education in time to come. Most of the Senior Lecturers and other staff who have consented to obtain membership of lions Club of Sabaragamuwa University Supreme were given their utmost corporation for this program.
100 hour(s)
2023-01-21 08:08:58
2023-02-15 10:37:36
98, 000.00 LKR
