Awareness on Blood Donation

MMAH Ahamed Sabir
Nations Health
Awareness program on (good health practices/prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases/nutrition/cancer prevention)
Kattankudy MAF Excellence
Zone 02
Region 02
Base Hospital, Kattankudy
Organised an awareness program on Donating Blood with the representatives of civil societies in Kattankudy. Had a healthy discussion and planned to do 2000 points of blood to donate in this year. Representatives from 7 Organisations consisting of around 200 members attended the program and they will convey the message with their members.
4 hour(s)
MMAH Ahamed Sabir
2023-01-29 02:33:25
2023-01-29 02:33:25
10, 000.00 LKR
