Housing Project

P.W. Weerasinghe MJF/MAF
Make an Impact
Build a house for identified needy
Zone 01
Region 06
Romiel Mawatha, Panagoda, Homagama.
This is a project that keeps all of us happy and proud that we could support a needy family to live under a roof under the current economical situation. The husband of this family was passed away nearly a year ago and the wife is taking care of the family which includes their son in grade 02, their old mother and sick brother. This project was completed in 57 days fulfilling all the construction and finishing works and completed as a semi luxury house. Opening ceremony was held on 12th March 2023 and the chief guest was District Governor Bannet Gamalath PMJF PMAF SLF and his gracious Lion Lady Sarojani Gamalath. Also following Lion leaders presented at the opening ceremony. PDG K.D.K. Wijenayake MJF, Region Chairperson Region 6 Lion A.A. Malik MJF, Zone Chairperson Region 6 Zone 1 Lion Lady Sanjeewani Weerarathne MAF, Lion leaders and members in the Lions club of Homagama central and Visiting Lions in the other clubs.
80 hour(s)
Chaminda Varuna Jayawardana Wijesekera PMAF/JP
2023-04-10 12:51:36
2023-04-15 05:14:32
1, 600, 000.00 LKR
