Production and Distribution of Nutritious Flour

Thavarajah Gunarajah
Better Life for All
Running Food essential items Collecting /Distribution Centers
Zone 02
Region 02
Mavadivembu, Batticaloa
Due to the financial crises in the country people living with very low income was affected, lost/reduced income which has brought severe impact on families and their living, and made them highly vulnerable, children and pregnant mothers became mal-nutritious to protect those poor families from further deteriorating, Lions Club of Batticaloa with two charity organization in UK and Regional Department of Health Services (RDHS) in Batticaloa organized producing nutritious flour (Thenaga Posha) and distributing to identified 208 families living under poverty and supplying the product weekly to all 208 families. This is an ongoing program will continue monthly for another 3 years. Annual cost of the program is SLR 342,600 X12 = 4,111,200/=
65 hour(s)
Dinesh Sivalingam
2023-04-14 04:13:31
2023-04-14 04:13:31
342, 600.00 LKR
