Chithra Lane School Sport Meet

Ananda Mathararachchi
Better Life for All
Promoting sport activities
Zone 01
Region 06
Henri Pediris Ground, Colombo 05.
Sport helps us to develop leadership skills, gives ability to set goals and build character and it leads us to higher self esteem and better social interaction. Through this project we have seen all these qualities in the special children of Chithra Lane School sport meet. Us, Lions club of Homagama Central sponsored for this entire sport meet and we were able to promote sports among these special children. Also we have seen above mentioned qualities while they were participating for the sports event. Chief Guest of the sport meet Advisor for the Region 8 Lion Viduranga Maddumage MJF, Guest of Honor Additional Cabinet Secretary Lion Gaya Upasena PMJF, Region 8 Zone 1 Zone Chairperson Lion Lady Sanjeewani Weerarathne MAF, Lions club President, Secretary, Treasurer, 8 Lion members and 3 LEO members participated for this event. Project Chairperson- Lion Ananda Matararachchi.
90 hour(s)
Chaminda Varuna Jayawardana Wijesekera PMAF/JP
2023-04-15 06:19:56
2023-04-16 12:50:48
225, 000.00 LKR
