Re-Use the plastic wastages combined with Environmental club of Al-Ashraq National School

Asley Yoosuff
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Women Empowerment - Self Employment/ Leadership Training/ Recognition & Encouragement/ Scholorhips/ Universal Women day Celebrations March 08
Nintavur Supreme
Zone 02
Region 10
Al-Ashraq National School,Nintavur.
Lions club of Nintavur Supreme initiated a step to improve the behavioral and attitude change on waste disposal instead of just throwing the used bottles or plastics. The project or the gift can be small but the impact may remain whenever we use plastic bottles and wherever we throw them in the world. We have given the opportunity for the environment club students to Re-use the collected plastic bottles by lions club of Nintavur Supreme to create plastic bricks/brickets, broom, brush and develop entrepreneurship ideas among the students in an innovative manner for their future. Lion District 306 C2 Region 10 Chairperson Lion Anaff, GMT Cordinator Lion Sahir Ahamed, Principal Cabinet Member Lion MIA. Jaleel and President of L/C Sammanthurai Golden City Lion Rafi along the president and members of the Lions Club of Nintavur Supreme participated in this event.
90 hour(s)
Asley Yoosuff
2023-07-24 08:52:57
2023-07-24 08:52:57
20, 000.00 LKR
