Awareness program on using Natural fiber string hopper trays instead of Plastic trays.

Satham Cader
Focus of global causes
Cleaner & Greener Environment - Beach Cleaning, Promote Tourism / Tree Planting / Protecting Catchment areas & Plastic free event.
Nintavur Supreme
Zone 02
Region 10
Nintavur MOH is a division which has a population of 30000 people and among them 97 families are engaged in string hopper manufacturing industry . Most of them are women and are engaged in the production as their livelihood. Unbeknownst to those who practice the cleanest method of production,where using plastic pallets/trays makes their products unhealthy. This was brought to light during the special awareness program of the Nintavur Health Office which was organized by lions club of Nintavur Supreme to prevent food starvation. The harm of plastic pallets and the usage of Natural pallets were explained clearly in the awareness program. All the manufactures were invited and most of them presented to the awareness program and also expressed their desire to use natural palm fiber trays as an alternative to plastic.They also mentioned that one salesperson need 100 trays to manage their business since there are consumers all around the village which has the population of 30,000 people. And the scope of the project is to educate the manufactures about the harm of the plastic and make free the entire village with 30000 people from the harm of plastic
90 hour(s)
Asley Yoosuff
2023-07-25 12:56:16
2023-07-25 12:56:16
50, 000.00 LKR
