Project Number - 05 Feeding of Pigeons

H K C Aruna Kumara
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Colombo Continental Excellence
Zone 03
Region 01
Colombo ( Borella, Maradana, Town hall, Fort and National Hospital)
Subject of the project: Project No 05 150 breakfast packets were given to poor people and beggars. Date: 01.07.2023 Location: Colombo ( Borella, Maradana, Town hall, Fort and National Hospital) Total number of participants: 15 Project chairperson: Aruna Kankanamge Source of project funding: Aruna Kankanamge Total value of the project: Rs.250/-*150= 37500/- Project conducted by: CCC Total Lion hours contributed: Number of people who benefited: 150
3 hour(s)
Wickrama Arachchige Numinda Shantha Siri De Silva
2023-07-26 08:24:20
2023-07-26 08:24:20
37, 500.00 LKR
