Project for Job Opportunities to trained youth at business organizations

Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
Guts of Youth - Sri Lanka - Youth Program/Leo
Job opportunities to trained youths at business organization
Arayampathy Excellance
Zone 03
Region 09
Manchchanthoduwai, Batticaloa
Today we joined together with the human resources department to conduct a project as a Job opportunity for trained youth at business organizations. We selected the youth from the Munmunai North divisional secretariat division and registered those youth in the job seeker portal of the human resources department. This initial project received good feedback from the youth, and we decided to do all the divisional secretariat divisions in Batticaloa district.
21 hour(s)
Lion Sothinathan Sangjeli MAF
2023-07-27 02:37:52
2023-07-27 02:37:52
23, 000.00 LKR
