Projector screen Donation

Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
Lions Back to School - Education
Developing Library of a school - Donation of Library Books/Establishing a Library/ Online Library Facilities/ Developing Reading Books
Colombo Alexandrite
Zone 02
Region 06
Palagama Siriparakum School, Polgasowita.
21st July, 2023 – LC of Colombo Alexandrite purchased and donated a Projector Screen to School Principal @ Palagama Siriparakum School, Polgasowita. Club members in attendance - Zone Chairperson Lion Prash Barnes MJF MAF, President Lion Manoj Maddage, Lion Waruni Chamarika, Lion Amali De Zoysa & Lion Muthu Ekanayake
29 hour(s)
Prashan Barnes Abeywardena MJF/MAF
2023-07-30 08:22:38
2023-07-30 08:22:38
51, 750.00 LKR
