Painting classroom , Desks & Chairs at Ananda Vidyalaya Kottawa

Chamath C.Jayalath
Lions Back to School - Education
Any Other Projects for Lions back to School
Pannipitiya Paradise
Zone 02
Region 04
Annanda Vidyalaya Kottawa
An impactful project was successfully carried out at Annanda Vidyalaya Kottawa, dedicated to enhancing education and providing a conducive learning environment for the children. With the passionate leadership of Project Chairperson Lion Chamath C. Jayalath, the Lions Club of Pannipitiya Paradise played a crucial role in this initiative. As part of the project, classrooms were beautifully painted, and new desks and chairs were provided for the children, creating a vibrant and comfortable space for them to learn and grow. Through collective efforts and unwavering dedication, we made a positive difference in the lives of these young learners, empowering them with better educational opportunities. #EducationProject #LionsClubPannipitiyaParadise #EmpoweringYoungMinds #BetterLearningEnvironment
120 hour(s)
Supun Chandrarathne
2023-07-30 06:42:40
2023-07-30 06:42:40
125.00 LKR
