Celebration on International Mangrove Day 2023 at Koggala Lagoon

Manoj Prasanna Guruge
Towards Better Sri Lanka - Sustainable Country 2030
Any Other Projects for Towards better sri lanka
Colombo Supreme
Zone 01
Region 03
Koggala Lagoon
On 28th July 2023, in celebration of International Mangrove Day, a collaborative conservation project was conducted at Koggala lagoon. Organized by the Wildlife and Ocean Resource Conservation Society, the initiative involved the collection of essential mangrove seedlings from the lagoon, followed by a significant tree-planting event. Participated by seventy students from five schools and a group of foreign volunteers, the project aimed to promote biodiversity, safeguard coastal ecosystems, and combat climate change through the plantation of mangrove seedlings. The endeavor sought to foster environmental responsibility among the youth and pave the way for a greener and more sustainable future for generations to come.
80 hour(s)
Chamika Sellahewa
2023-07-31 10:42:05
2023-08-10 04:34:59
489, 000.00 LKR
