Lions Elders Home Amunudowa Bandarawela. (Continues Project)supplying meals and maintenance work

Lakshman D De SIilva.PMAF
Power of Family - Children/Women/Elders Care & Empowerment
Children Care - Helping Orphanage/Orphans/ Food Donation/ Universal children day Celebrations October 01
Zone 01
Region 08
Elders Home Amunudowa Bandarawela
Project Period From 1st to 31st of July 2023 Meals and other requirements Donors provided meals, tea and refreshments, clothes, soaps, tooth paste, tooth brushs etc for 22 inmates with the staff. Maintanance Salaries, electricity, telephone, water bills, medication, transport of elders for medical tests and treatment etc Value of the project Meals One lnmate per day Morning tea with milk= Rs 75.00 Breakfast =Rs. 250.00 10.00 AM Tea with refreshments=Rs.200.00 Lunch=Rs.400.00 3.30 PM Tea with refreshments=Rs.200.00 6.00 PM Plane tea=Rs.50.00 Dinner = Rs.400.00 Gifts= Rs.200.00 Total value for one inmate per day=Rs.1800.00 For 22 =1800 x 22= Rs.39600.00 For the month of July- 39600.00 x 31 =1227600.00 Maintenance Salaries, electricity, telephone, water bills, gas, medication, transportation of elders for medical tests and treatments etc. According to the monthly accounts Cost is =Rs 100824.00 Total value of the project 1227600.00+100824.00 =1328424.00
180 hour(s)
Dr.W P Chaminda Priyantha Wijesinghe.MJF/PMAF
2023-08-02 12:01:31
2023-08-02 12:01:31
1, 328, 424.00 LKR
